During the beginning of October this year, I was able to go on a photography excursion to Sky Mountain Lodge in Victor, Idaho with some of my BYU-Idaho peers.  Caryn Esplin, our instructor, encouraged us to experiment with and try to replicate Dave Black’s light painting style.  If you have never heard of Dave Black before, you should check out some of his light paintings, they are gorgeous.

I think I need more practice with this whole light painting thing.  These light painting are Dave Black inspired light paintings, though i don’t do him justice yet.   I loved the ones with the aspen trees, thanks to the help and guidance of Megan Kelly.  it worked out perfectly because right as I was light painting the Sky Mountain Lodge (in the last photo in this post), someone else was light painting the inside of the Lodge, so I got some really great light coming out through the windows.



Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, old barn, cabin at night


Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, aspens, cabin

Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, aspens

Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, aspens

Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, old barn, cabins, old fence

Malorie Aaron, Dave Black, Light painting, Caryn Esplin, BYU-Idaho, Sky Mountain Lodge, Victor Idaho, night photography