Oh my goodness, was there ever a more beautiful bride to be?!?  I had such a great time with Kaley and her sweetheart.  We went out to the St. Anthony sand dunes and the sunset was just such a blessing!  There were still plenty of fall colors and the sky was killer for the dunes.

We were able to get such a great variety of locations all in a relatively small location.  My awesome husband and two of Kaley’s best friends were so great!  They helped with everything.  We used a flash and a diffuser umbrella for most of these shots, which just really makes a difference.

Malorie Aaron, sunset, bridals, rexburg, ST. Anthony, sand dunes, wedding, dress, beautiful


Malorie Aaron, sunset, bridals, rexburg, ST. Anthony, sand dunes, wedding, dress, beautiful


Malorie Aaron, sunset, bridals, rexburg, ST. Anthony, sand dunes, wedding, dress, beautiful




Malorie Aaron, sunset, bridals, rexburg, ST. Anthony, sand dunes, wedding, dress, beautiful
