Wyoming has some of the most breath taking snow covered trees and cabins I’ve ever seen!  The pine trees and mountains all covered in a fluffy white blanket of snow are just gorgeous.

Most of these photos are winter light paintings.  I set my camera up on a tripod and then took the shot with a long shutter speed and a relatively high f-stop.  I then went running around in the snow with my spot light and painted the trees, cabins, and snow with light.  It’s really an amazing form of photography!

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice

MalorieAaron, photography, winter, lightPainting, light, painting, snow, pineTrees, trees, white, blanket, fluffy, gorgeous, cabins, wy, Afton, Wyoming, mountains, ice