I took my great big brother out several weeks ago to shoot some fashion portraits of him.  Really we were just playing around, trying things out.  We had a blast.  We just drove out of Rexburg and found some great farm/ country roads.  We pulled over and set up on the side of the road:).

For most of these shots I used an off camera flash and in a few I used an LED continuous light.  Because these were taken outside, the LED continuous light did not give enough light on it’s own, but I did use it as a sort of fill light.  The sunset was beautiful, like all Idaho sunsets are.  It’s always fun to go out and take portraits with family!

As far as settings go for this shoot, I kept my shutter speed between 1/160 and 1/250 for the flash.  I always keep my ISO down if I can help it and I also kept my aperture low (1.8-2.5).


Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion


Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion


©2014 Malorie Aaron Photography-Tim-Idaho-portraits-IMG_013


Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion

LED & Flash

Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion


Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion


Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion

LED & Flash

Malorie Aaron, rexburg, portraits, brother, sunset, country road, fun, fashion

LED & Flash