I went to the Rexburg Verizon Wireless store on 2nd East around 3pm with Bridget – a fellow photographer.  We had a couple of the employees model for us for a professional corporate portrait shoot for Verizon.  It was really fun to go into the store and set up a portable speed light and flash bender and just pose and position the model in the store environment.  I really enjoyed doing corporate head shots and professional environment portraits.


©2014 Malorie Aaron Photography-Verizon-corporate-headshot-portraits-IMG_010

MalorieAaron, Rexburg, Verizon store, photographer, professional, portraits, corporate, headShots, Verizon, wireless, store

MalorieAaron, Rexburg, Verizon store, photographer, professional, portraits, corporate, headShots, Verizon, wireless, store

MalorieAaron, Rexburg, Verizon store, photographer, professional, portraits, corporate, headShots, Verizon, wireless, store

MalorieAaron, Rexburg, Verizon store, photographer, professional, portraits, corporate, headShots, Verizon, wireless, store