Wow!  What a good looking family of four!  All of the Dameron’s have the most beautiful eyes and great smiles.  This family was so great to photograph in the BYU-Idaho gardens last week.  This family doesn’t just look cool, they are cool.  Check out those handstands – they are all doing it!

For this shoot, I used my 50mm lens and a diffused speed light.  It was the perfect time of the evening for pictures.  I love the suns color in some of these, just as it was setting behind us.


MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer






MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, couple, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, couple, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer

MalorieAaron, family, portraits, pictures, Rexburg, Idaho, BYU-Idaho, cute, fun, cool, photographer